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Lattice ParamLeter and Density in Germanium-Silicon Alloys1


The lattice parameter and density of chemically analyzed samples of ;homogeneous Ge-Si alloy have been measured throughout the entire alloy system. The temperature dependence of the lattice parameter was measured from 25 to 800'. Compositional dependences of the lattice parameter and density are accurate to about +0.3 atomic yo in alloy composition. Lack of chemical analysis or sample inhomogeneity may explain the large discrepancies between previous investigations of these properties. The excess volume of mixing is given by AV,,xs = -0.24CGecsi cma3 mole-l. Deviations from Vegard's law are negative as predicted by models based on first-order elasticity theory, but smaller in absolute magnitude. This discrepancy is about the size of the positive deviations calculated from second-order elasticity theory.

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